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Chocolate Biscotti

Today is National Chocolate Day!  There are a lot of specific chocolate days throughout the year, but this day is a day for whatever chocolate you want to eat.  This cookie is so chocolately and delicious.  It's not too sweet and goes perfectly with a hot drink.  I can see me (and, of course you) on a freezing cold, snowy winter day with a plate of these chocolate biscotti and (for me) a nice hot cup of tea.  I almost took a picture of how much I trashed my kitchen making this dessert.  Usually, I clean up as I go.  But, I made this particular recipe at 12:30 in the morning.  I did not ice the bottoms until the next morning.  Let me tell you, it wasn't a pretty site to walk into.  These are well worth it though :)

2 eggs
3/4 cup sugar
1 tsp baking soda
1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder, European.  (I used Valrhona)
1 1/2 cups flour
3/4 cup chopped, slivered, blanched almonds (I used whole Almonds, chopped and toasted in a frying pan)
6 oz bittersweet or bittersweet chocolate (I used Callebaut , 70.4% cocoa)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. 

Line a cookie sheet with foil. Generously grease foil.

Beat eggs and sugar on medium speed until light, about 2 minutes.

Beat in baking soda (I sift it through my fingers into the bowl to get the lumps out), cocoa and flour until well blended.

Stir in almonds by hand. Batter will be stiff and slightly sticky.

Cut dough in half.

Slightly flour a large cutting board.  Shape dough into 2 flat logs, measuring 12 inches long by 2 1/2 inches wide.   

Working with one at a time, use a large spatula to loosen the dough from the cutting board.  Lift one end and pick up the log and place approximately 2 inches from the side of the cookie sheet.  Place the second log on the other half of the cookie sheet.

Bake 20 minutes.  Remove from oven (leave oven on) and let stand 2-3 minutes.

 With a sharp knife (I used a bread (serrated) knife, gently saw back and forth until through the top crust and then cut straight down.Cut each log evenly into 12 pieces.  Let stand 5 minutes.

Turn each piece on the flat side.  Return to oven for 10 minutes.

Let biscotti cool completely on wire rack.

Place waxed paper on the cookie sheet.  Melt chocolate in a microwave until melted, 1 minute, mix and 30 seconds mixing in between until totally melted.

Hold the biscotti at the top.  Dip into chocolate so that the chocolate goes up both sides a little bit.  Using an offset spatula, smooth out the bottom. 

Place upside down onto the waxed paper until chocolate is set.

Makes 24.  Biscotti will keep up to 2 weeks in an airtight container.  I like to freeze them if not going to be eating them immediately (thought it is very difficult, I must say).  

Makes a great gift!!


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