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Poppy Seed & Jam Thumbprint Cookies

October 1st is National Homemade Cookie Day!!  I haven't baked in a long time due to healthy eating and fear of eating what I would bake.  When I saw that today was National Homemade Cookie Day, I thought it would be the perfect time to pull out all my baking stuff and make some cookies.   I am visiting Megan tomorrow at her college (actually I am picking her up at the University of Hartford and we are driving to Providence, RI to see Josh Groban in concert (be still my heart), staying overnight in a hotel and driving her back to school.  This is the perfect opportunity to kill two birds with one stone.  I can honor this great National Day AND bring Megan some cookies.  As I have mentioned in other posts, I have an overabundance of jams and I like to find ways to incorporate them into baking.  Shortbread is one of my favorite types of cookie.  Just add some poppy seeds and yummy jam and you have yourself a great cookie.  How about you pull out all your baking stuff and make some homemade cookies!

1 cup confectioner's sugar
1 cup butter, softened
1 tsp vanilla
1 egg
2 cups all-purpose flour
2 Tbs poppy seed
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 cup jam/preserves

Heat oven to 300 degrees  In a large bowl, combine confectioner's sugar and butter.  Beat until light and fluffy.Add vanilla and egg; blend well.  Add flour, poppy seeds and salt; mix well.

Using a 1 1/4", small cookie scoop, scoop a level amount of dough. Release into your hand and roll into a ball.  Place on an ungreased cookie sheet.

Make a small well in the center of the cookie, making sure you don't go too far down to the bottom.  I tried using the handles of several different items found in my utensil drawer.  The problem I found is that the dough kept sticking.  So, I just used my very inexpensive thumb.  I pushed down and then pushed out towards the outer areas to make an even area.  Center it as best as you can.

Using a teaspoon, fill each cookie center with jam/preserves.

Bake for 20-25 minutes, until edges are slightly golden brown.  Immediately remove from the cookie sheet.



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